March 4, 2025


Timely – Precise – Factual

Bishop beaten by wife for years is now rescuing men enduring domestic violence


By Mwangi wa Macharia

A man of God who says he went through hell at the hands of a woman he sired four kids with is on a mission to rescue men facing physical violence at their matrimonial homes.

Bishop James Njenga of New Compassion Revival Church is leading a campaign on getting men from marital problems.

He is the chairman of Voice of Men and Children (VOMEC) that was founded to help men who have been unable to speak out of what is happening in their matrimonial homes.

Njenga says he married in 1987 but for years he was tortured emotionally and abused physically by the wife for years, forcing him to quit and later remarry.

He says he has encountered men who are in pains, some opting to commit suicide over shame that is accompanied by being sat on and being beaten by wives.

He says some officials at the children’s department and also some female magistrates have been working in cahoots to squeeze men further even when they are the victims.

“I meet men who have reached their deep ends. They are beaten then arm-twisted by their wives for what they have worked for. Our men are crying behind these fancy homes you see” he says.

His wife he claims had intimacy with a chief and a corporal but there was nothing he could do.

“Even my children knew the torment I was facing. They knew their mother slept around and I was helpless about it” he says.

He says one out of 10 husbands are facing domestic violence.

Njenga says women going after rich men are not interested in building a good family but to get a share of their wealth then share it with young men and boys they move in with later.

“They run away from the home with children then report to the authorities, seeking to have a share of the husband’s wealth. When they get it, they start dating younger men” he says.

Adding; “It is painful for such men to be feeding, clothing and paying for other things for men who are sleeping with their estranged wives”.