February 22, 2025


Timely – Precise – Factual

Energy drinks: The side effects of taking these drinks


Youngsters are besotted by an array of energy drinks lining the shelves alongside aerated drinks.

But does a dose of energy these cans and bottles offer really help? Read on to know:

Caffeine kicks and sugary threats

Energy drinks have a very high content of caffeine and sugar that work at making you feel fresh and energised. And too much caffeine can cause jitters, a fast heartbeat, and trouble sleeping.

Also, though the sugar provides a burst of energy, watch out for a phenomenon called ‘sugar crash’ — when this energy wears off. This makes one feel very tired all over again.

Gentleman taking energy drink

The presence of quinine, that’s used in drinks for giving them the fizz, is anyway bad for the bones. Further, the high sugar content can lead to weight gain, and also cause cavities.

Addiction trouble

Caffeine can be addictive, whether it’s tea, coffee or energy drinks. So in case you don’t happen to find one, you may get headaches, become cranky or feel tired for a few days.

Source of vitamins and amino acids

Most energy drinks claim the presence of vitamins and even amino acids, popular with those high on bodybuilding. However, it’s much cheaper and safer to get from multi-vitamin supplements instead.

Or better, follow a well-balanced diet and opt for alternatives in form of natural juices.

Grapefruit juice and orange juice as good alternatives to replenish the lost electrolytes after physical activity.

Go natural

Energy drinks should not be confused with sports drinks

It doesn’t replace water and minerals one loses when one sweats. In fact, caffeine can actually make you more dehydrated. Simply drink water instead.

And never combine energy drinks with alcohol. It can be dangerous because alcohol is a depressant, while the energy drink is a stimulant. Having them together may limit your body’s ability to realize how much alcohol you drank, as it’ll give you the feeling that you are not impaired. Also, it can cause bad dehydration.

Due to the combined effect of the alcohol and the caffeine in the energy drink, you may urinate more often.