March 9, 2025


Timely – Precise – Factual

Former Langata MP Joash Olum explains how Jalango allied goons destroyed consensus meeting


Good evening my dear brothers and sisters of the great Langata constituency.

I have taken time to reflect on our search for a suitable ODM candidate for the seat of the MP.

Sometime back I was invited to come join hands with my age mates to give a hand in this process, for a simple reason that I have walked this journey before.

Reluctantly I agreed to join hands.

Yesterday was my third and probably the last meeting as far as am concerned.

Our last week’s meeting the subject of concesor was discussed and the agreement was reached to allow the aspirants to meet amongst themselves and see if they can reach an agreement by themselves and then bring us the results.

Jalang'o joins ODM ahead of 2022

They did meet and yesterday they asked that we meet so that we can hear their side of the story.

The meeting started well and divergent opinions came up from both sides.

In my opinion perhaps it appeared to Jalango that some of our opinions were in favor of Oscar Omoke.

After listening to everyone I personally said the following :-

  1. Every one felt that they had spent good amount of money to simply opt out.
  2. If they opted out how would the party compensate them.
  3. With us heading nowhere I suggest each candidate to soul search weigh options and if they felt ready enough let’s go all the way to nominations.
Jalang'o Unveils Campaign Machinery [PHOTOS] -

Unfortunately when all these had been concluded and we were just about to say our parting prayers a group of youths lead by Mugumuini chairman Okumu, Jalang’o PA Don and Rebman stormed into the meeting with vegence and hell broke loose.

This was all caused with information that we all have decided that Omoke was the chosen one depending on how he has suffered for the party.