March 3, 2025


Timely – Precise – Factual

GA Insurance caught up in a web of fraud allegedly trying to con Kiambu tycoon

GA Insurance caught up in a web of fraud allegedly trying to con Kiambu tycoon

GA Insurance caught up in a web of fraud allegedly trying to con Kiambu tycoon


Kiambu based billionaire businessman Julius Kamau who is the owner of the iconic Rainbow Ruiru Resort is entangled in a row with GA Insurance that he claims has now conspired with its claims department with the intent not to pay his claim after his Mercedes-Benz caught fire while driving along Thika Road a few months ago.

Mr Kamau whose investments spans across hospitality, real estate, land, security and entertainment both in Kenya and in London said he was dismayed when the insurer wrote to him and informed him that the fire was self-inflicted wondering how that could have happened while it was evident he was notified by other motorists to pull out of the road given his black Mercedes-Benz was emitting thick smoke from behind and eventually caught fire.

GA Insurance caught up in a web of fraud trying to con Kiambu tycoon
GA Insurance caught up in a web of fraud allegedly trying to con Kiambu tycoon

‘’I was surprised when they sent me a letter saying that I burnt my car to be paid yet they have not clearly illustrated how that could have happened in a broad daylight on a busy Highway in full glare of other motorists. Also they have acted as a judge and prosecutor at the same time without giving me a chance to hire an external and certified investigator to look into the matter for balance because what I have been informed by an insider that is how they behave when they don’t want to pay customers,’’ Mr Kamau told this publication.

The GA Insurance in its report says it engaged motor assessors , investigators and a fire expert who made the observations that there were multiple seats of fire and traces of an accelerant and a fire pattern that never emanated from the engine , electrical system or mechanical .

Julius Kamau: How I built Sh. 3 billion Rainbow Ruiru Resort
A picture of Rainbow Ruiru resort owned by Julius Kamau

Even as this happens, five more people have come out claiming how GA Insurance works with rogue assessors and investigators to avoid paying its clients claims running into millions of shillings.

‘’That is how I lost my Range Rover Vogue. They claimed that it caught fire out of ignorance and they blatantly refused to settle the claims. I said and vowed never to insure them again,’’ a client told this publication yesterday.

Another client told this publication that this is the third year she has been pursuing her claims with GA Insurance without any success and that they keep promising her that her motor vehicle claim will be processed soon.

‘’I am now planning to write to the Insurance Regulatory Authority and subsequently sue them for breach of contract,’’ another client said.