March 4, 2025


Timely – Precise – Factual

Ganze MP asks Kingi to stop meddling in local politics


Ganze MP Teddy Mwambire has told Kilifi Governor Amason Kingi to stop meddling with Coast politics and instead focus on his new found interest in national politics.

 The Ganze MP told the governor who has since formed a Coast-rooted political outfit, Pamoja African Alliance (PAA), to stick to his support for ODM leader Raila Odinga 2022 presidential campaigns.

Mwambire who took over the Kilifi branch ODM chairmanship from Kingi after the governor fell out with the party, said the governor’s declaration that he will back Raila was a demonstration that the Orange party was still popular at the coast.

Governor Amason Kingi Removed as Kilifi ODM Chairperson

“We welcome him and his party decision to support Raila’s presidential bid but he should stick to national politics and leave the people to choose their preferred candidates in the local politics,” he said:

Mwambire said Kingi might be using ODM influence in the region to popularise his party a ahead of the General Election.

Address issues “We thought he ditched ODM to form PAA because he felt ODM is a very bad political party which failed to address issues affecting the people? But we welcome his decision so long as he does not use PAA to influence local politics.” So far, several governorships, senatorial and parliamentary aspirants in Kilifi, Mombasa, Tana River, Kwale and Taita Taveta have declared their support for PAA saying they will use the party as vehicle for 2022 General Election.

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Last week, Governor Kingi declared support for Raila’s presidential bid and called on the ODM Party leader to comply with their terms and conditions ahead of the next year General Election.

 “The question we have to ask ourselves is, how do we benefit from the Raila Odinga government?” he pondered during a meeting with PAA women supporters in Malindi.

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He said this was the right time for PAA to address the problems bedeviling locals and that they will not wait until Raila to be sown in to begin these conversions.