March 4, 2025


Timely – Precise – Factual

Governor Nyoro issue statement on Central Kenya Economic Block, maintains they are united under one purpose


As a follow up to the Nyeri and Meru Counties meetings by Mt Kenya leaders, a section of leaders from the region met in Laikipia County to deliberate on a myriad of issues that we, as leaders have decided should be addressed by anyone seeking Presidential votes from the Mountain.

In this regard, we have come to an agreement on the following matters; among many other issues to be discussed and agreed upon.

That, there is an urgent need for Policy to help hold to account the Kenya Police Service, and that they should stop brutality and harassment of our youth.

This will be enacted by Parliament through regulations and Policies passed and adopted by the executive.

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That, County Assemblies and County Governments within Mt. Kenya region will enact laws and policies that will harmonize the economies of all these Counties, such that there will be no double taxation across Counties from this region.

This is in line with the Central Kenya Economic Block, that we seek to implement.

That, as leaders, we have received numerous complaints from the business community on bureaucracy experienced when operating small and medium enterprises, especially while importing consumer goods.

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On this, we plan to enhance ease of doing business, whilst protecting consumers from importation of fake and substandard goods.

Finally, we agreed on that, all County Governments will roll out the Covid-19 vaccine to all Kenyans, while sensitizing the public on the need to get vaccinated. We also discussed the roll out of Universal Health Care to all Kenyans through the NHIF.

We are united under one purpose.