Let me tell you, there is no humility in poverty. The only thing you get from poverty is humiliation, embarrassment and suffering.
Growing up, I never tasted tea in all my school life. My mum used to sale Githeri in Busia Town and that is what constituted our lunch and dinner. So no tea in the morning and githeri for lunch and dinner.
I wore shoes for the first time in form one, where I also saw electricity for the first time in my life.
Unfortunately, I couldn’t get a University Grade, partly due to my frustrations in life and the fact that our school had never produced a B in KCSE.
Immediately after High School, I came to Nairobi looking for a job. I was employed as a watchman at a hotel in the city. But I convinced my employer to change my role into a waiter. At least waiters were tipped.
I still didn’t make enough money but I was happy. I used to dress sharply and always served customers with a smile.
One day, a woman came to the hotel and ordered coffee. When she left, I realized she had forgotten her phone. I followed her out and found she was gone.
The phone rang a few minutes later. When I received it the owner told me she had lost it and needed me to keep it for her as she would come back that evening. To make contacts easy, I gave her my phone number to call when she came back.
That evening, she sent me Ksh 2000 after getting her phone back. She told me she was so preoccupied that she forgot.
I was so excited with this woman that I decided to seek help from Dr. Mugwenu, asking him to see if she could be my sponsor;
Mugwenu is a leading herbalist, known to solve all the world’s imagined problems. He told me to give him time as he would deliver good news.
The next day, the woman called asking me to help run an errand in town. She wanted me to deliver something to her Kilimani home when I left work. Because I didn’t know Kilimani, she got me a cab. The rest as they say is history.
We have been together for two years now, and all I can say is that life is good.
Dr Mugwenu spell casting powers always work within 24 hours, mostly happening the same day they are released.
Pay attention
Contact Dr Mugwenu at www.mugwenudoctors.com and your problems shall be solved.You can also call Dr Mugwenu at +254740637248 and have all your problems solved.
Mugwenu doctor’s exercises doctor-patient confidentiality; neither patient’s file records, identity nor secrets will be shared to a third party or made public unless otherwise patient/s on their own volition wishes to give a testimony!!
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