October 4, 2024


Timely – Precise – Factual

Kenyans demand resignation of NCIC Commissioner Wambui Nyutu over alleged xenophobia

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Kenyans were up in arms on Friday following accusations that Wambui Nyutu, a Commissioner at the National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC), was promoting xenophobia and hate against a particular Chinese community in the country.

Led by Kileleshwa MCA Robert Alai, Kenyans took to social media to demand Nyutu’s resignation or dismissal from the NCIC.

They argued that as a Commissioner, Nyutu was supposed to promote national cohesion and unity, not incite hatred and division among different communities in the country.

Nyutu’s Facebook post that triggered the outcry read, “Small scale traders are today protesting against China square. Good move. Allowing foreigners to take over the last coin you can make is similar to selling your birthright. This was in right with the recent demonstration of traders against Chinese investors at China square.”

Kenyans accused Nyutu of promoting hate speech against the Chinese community in Kenya, which they argued could lead to violence and discrimination against them.

They called on the NCIC and the Kenyan government to take action against Nyutu and any other individuals who promote hate speech and division among communities in the country.

No photo description available.

NCIC commissioner Wambui Nyutu

The Chinese community in Kenya  who sought anonymity also expressed their concern over Nyutu’s comments, with some of them fearing for their safety.

They called on the Kenyan government to protect them against any discrimination or violence that may arise from such hateful comments.

The NCIC hasn’t issued any statement condemning Nyutu’s comments or promising to investigate the matter.