March 4, 2025


Timely – Precise – Factual

Kisii Chief Arrested With Stolen Motorbike, detained in police station


It might be crazy but it is very true. You should never trust a human being because everyone has a price. Even Jesus was betrayed by the very person who had witnessed his miracles. What about you?

Last year, I took a loan to buy a motorbike. Well, my story does not really start there because I had been jobless for about six months after losing my job as a chef in Nairobi.

I used to work at a very big hotel, which I wont mention for obvious reasons. The hotel paid us well and I managed to buy a piece of land in Kitengela.

But just before I could develop the land, COVID-19 hit and we were all laid off. I went back home to the village in Kisii. Life was so unbearable for a man used to a salary every end month.

After six months, I decided to take a loan with my Kitengela plot as collateral. I bought a motorbike with the intention of transporting milk from Sotik to Kisii. Quite a good business, if anyone wants to try.

The business was just picking up and I even planned to buy a pickup as I saw potential in.

However, my plans went up in smoke when I lost the motorbike just a month later. It was stolen from my compound on a Sunday when we were in church with my family.

I reported the incident to the police. The local chief came to visit me and promised to help me get to the bottom of the matter.

He warned anyone who stole the bike that stun action would be taken against them.

However, after three weeks nothing had been done to help me get my bike back. In fact, the chief seemed to be disinterested in helping me.

I realized quickly that I needed to do something if I was to get my bike back.

I decided to seek the services of Dr. Mugwenu, a popular herbalist known for his supernatural abilities. I went to  the herbalist and explained to him what had happened.

Mugwenu told me that his spell would work within 24 hours. I didn’t believe him. But Alas! That same evening, a friend called me and told me something was happening at the local market I should go.

I found the area chief pushing my motorbike around and singing at the top of his voice that he was a thief. He said he had stolen several motorbikes and wanted forgiveness.

Police intervened in the incident.

I am taking this opportunity to ask anyone with a similar problem to visit Dr. Mugwenu.

Dr. Mugwenu heals blood pressure, diabetes, ulcers, gonorrhea, syphilis, TB, and manhood weakness in addition to other ailments.

You want to meet Mugwenu? Just dial this number +254740637248 and thank me later. Also check his works out on website