March 3, 2025


Timely – Precise – Factual

Lady Regrets Beating Her Mother In Front of TV Cameras


The daughter of a mother of 12 children who was kicked out of her matrimonial home in humiliating manner in Thika has confessed she is remorseful for beating her mother.

Lucy Nyawira was captured on camera fighting with her mother Virginia Wangari and her brother in 2016 when Wangari demanded to get her children.

Nyawira (Circled) beating her mother in 2016.

Nyawira is the second born of Wangari and Joseph Kamotho. Their father is a bishop of a controversial Church in Thika.

She sided with her father to chase away their mum but now she regrets and has sought forgiveness.

Her beating their mother.

“We were brainwashed. I was the one who kept the keys to where we locked mum for six months and I took away the young child from her” Nyawira said in a recent interview amidst tears.

Kamotho summoned the children and told them to keep off their mother. He claimed he was instructed by God so, a claim Nyawira and her siblings adhered to.

Nyawira being restrained by her brother from hitting her mother.

“That day in 2016 dad told me not to open gates for my mother. She kept banging until my father arrived and that is the moment I opened and started beating mum” she revealed.

They were left in hands of a step-mother who tortured them, denied food and beat them ruthlessly.

Nyawira and her brother were accused of poisoning the child of their step-mother, were put in prison for months.

While in prison her turban was removed, she was shaved and from there she decided to quit her father’s brainwashing church and look for their mother who rescued them from prison.

Nyawira with her mother recently after they reconciled.

Her mother said she has forgiven her and now they are living together happier as they try to get the other children still suffering in the hands of Kamotho.

Nyawira said she is regretful what she did.