Governor Joseph Lenku has been advocating for a cause of uniting Kajiado county from the time he took over the office in 2017.
Behind his coined slogan – Uniting Kajiado – there is a massive twisted lie to hoodwink the people of this county into believing that all is well for them.
Kajiado is more divided politically and socially than before Lenku was elected to office. Mark you, Kajiado Maasai will not eat unity that you purport to front.
I have lined up a few examples of disastrous actions you have undertaken that I strongly believe do not add value to the people of Kajiado.
Let me start with the ill-fated Maji Awards that was held at Galaxy Restaurant in Kitengela town more than a year ago.
After you hosted that Maji Award, all the taps that had water at the time started drying up. As I address you, Your Excellency, we have not a single drop flowing from our taps.
That event at Kitengela is said it devoured millions of payers’ tax. In your senses, if I may ask, for what value was that even to the people of Kajiado?
I am trying to be honest to you, Your Excellency, in telling you the truth. I do not want to take a disastrous route your sycophants do by praising you even when you are making terrible mistakes.
Your Excellency sir, I hope you remember the incredible Paybill Launch. The eye of an upright leader, that was sarcastically messy.
You made us a laughing stock in front of the other 46 counties.
How could you spend Sh3 million to launch what even the gobblers and the mama mbogas understand so well?
You used the mainstream media to launch it and paid out millions of shillings to air the event that has not even moved an inch the economy of this county.
Citizen Tv’s News Gang was not amused by your action and that is the reason why YouTube on the Tv programme is gaining viewership up to today.
We have become a laughing stock indeed, Your Excellency. The things done by your government are all amazingly queer and twisted.
There is this Mbuzi Moja Initiative thing (1st And 2nd). Its second phase took the county again by surprise.
Leaked budget report for that event from the executive claims a lot of millions were spent in promoting the event in the mainstream media.
We are informed you have a habit of even importing entertainers from a neighbouring country to attend your events.
Currently, Kajiado County is on the radar in the country for having a wage bill that stands at 58 per cent. This is not what the law recommends.
This one is visible to many, as our brothers and sisters working at the county government have been working on shift even before the advent of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Duplication of duties is high ever since you took over the office.
We strongly believe that the reason we are seeing no development in our areas is most likely because you are paying more into pockets of individuals more than the government requires.
Your Excellency the employment of workers based on nepotism and favouritism in the county government will haunt you for the time you will remain in that office.
We are aware that the Kajiado Public Service Board has your express instruction to employ only those recommended by your office.
If you are not aware, Your Excellency, this is a very dangerous trend. So dangerous that it will evoke the bad feelings of the many people who voted for you.
We even know the exact number of your family members earning a salary from government covers.
Mr. Lenku, we also know another number of workers from your village, who are not directly related to you.
May I, at the same time, take this earliest opportunity to apologise to the larger Kajiado South Sub County for we mistakenly thought you are all the beneficiaries of Lenku’s economic blunder.
We are sorry as we now understand it is one family and a village that is taking salaries home.
You will note that we know that three key positions in your government are held by your relatives.
This county is also choked by your actions. We hear that you pay for TV interviews that do not add value to our well-being.
The other week, you shipped all the useless book facers in the social media fraternity to Loitokitok town where you fed them and paid handouts so they can protect you.
Mr. Lenku, to protect you from what, what is it you think you have done wrong to deserve protection?
We are all aware that the county assembly gave you Sh210 million to fight coronavirus pandemic. Can you tell us where that money went?
The other day you were whining about the other amount of Sh52 million from the national treasury for the same cause.
Can you pay more money at your disposal to explain to the people of Kajiado what you have done with that Covid-19 money?
We want to know how many beds have you bought and the number of intensive care units you have put up in this county for purposes of containing the pandemic.
Recently, a bridge claimed to have cost the county Sh9 million came down tumbling days after it was launched. Can you shed light on that controversial bridge?
Maloi holds a Bachelor of Arts (Education) Degree from UoN
Views expressed in this article do not represent those of Newsline . They are the views of the writer.
Original story by KAJIADO NEWS UPDATE
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