October 4, 2024


Timely – Precise – Factual

NEMA and Nairobi County Launch Crackdown on Illegal Dumpsites in Industrial Area

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The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA), in collaboration with Nairobi City County, launched a major operation on Tuesday to crack down on illegal dumping activities in the city’s Industrial Area. The joint effort led to the arrest of six individuals involved in illegal dumping, as well as the impounding of several lorries used to transport waste.

Authorities also apprehended drivers who were operating without valid NEMA transport licenses, highlighting the seriousness of the issue. This operation is part of a broader initiative aimed at maintaining a clean and healthy environment while holding offenders accountable.

“The crackdown underscores our commitment to keeping Nairobi’s environment clean and ensuring that those who violate environmental regulations are brought to justice,” a NEMA official stated during the operation.

Members of the public are urged to dispose of waste responsibly by adhering to environmental regulations. The public is also encouraged to report any illegal dumping activities to the authorities.

Waste handlers, in particular, are advised to use designated and licensed dumping sites for waste disposal and to ensure they obtain the necessary NEMA transport licenses. The crackdown serves as a reminder that environmental laws will be enforced to protect the city’s health and cleanliness.