July 4, 2024


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Rise of Independent aspirants in Mt Kenya rattles Jubilee Party

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The resurgence of independent candidates in Mount Kenya region has left the Jubilee party in limbo following the recent party primaries that were marred by many irregularities such as rigging.

The President party has insisted that Jubilee party ticket losers will be “accommodated in other capacities” and that they should support winners and shields their ambitions.

More than 6,000 independent candidates have so far been cleared to run for all the six elective positions effectively making their candidature the single largest than any other party in the 2022 General Election.

It’s reported that president Uhuru Kenyatta has directed party and top government officials to reach out to those who failed to clinch the party ticket.

Jubilee party has been fighting UDA party led by Deputy President William Ruto Dominance across the region.

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Nairobi business woman gubernatorial aspirant Agnes Kagure has said that the some officials of the Jubilee party used consensus as a way to sneak in their preferred candidates and issue them with direct tickets.

Kagure will vie as an independent candidate after Jubilee handed the ticket to Polycarp Igathe, in a deal brokered in the statehouse.

She said that some Jubilee supporters felt shortchanged after such sham exercises and this has led to increase number of independent candidates.

“I believe that Jubilee still holds considerable sway in the region and its new method of consensus fell short of expectations to many, and you can’t fault them for that. Consensus should be an open dialogue that is guided by accurate information on various candidates’ strengths and chances of winning in order to arrive at a single popular candidate, “she said.

Kagure said that the Jubilee party has the right to request their supporters to step down and support whoever was awarded the certificate.

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“As a party, they have that right to request candidates to step down, but it is also important to note that the candidates also have a democratic right to pursue their political aspirations if they and their supporters feel they were short-changed, “she said.

A sitting member of County assembly in Murang’a who lost during Jubilee consensus said that they have been promised jobs in the next government.

He said that majority of the aspirants have dropped their bid and are on ground campaigning for the Jubilee party.

He further said that those who resists are termed as UDA moles and are faced with a lot of intimidations.

“A lot is happening and in few months majority of independent candidates will drop their bid in favor of Jubilee while those in small parties are being requested to also drop their bids, “he said.

On Friday a section of Jubilee aspirants who lost during nomination declared support for the Jubilee party and Azimio la Umoja presidential candidate.

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Some of independent candidates have defended their move on grounds the officers who conducted the primaries were biased in favour of their rivals and that the exercise was marred by many irregularities such as rigging.

Speaking on Friday, Othaya parliamentary aspirant Dr Joseph Kiragu said that the independent candidates should be respected and not be intimidated.

Kiragu who is late Kibaki’s Nephew will vie as an independent after consulting his supporters.

 “Kenyans should be left to decide on their leaders without interference by the political parties, “he said.

Several sources have said that the Jubilee party has warned independent candidates in at least 10 swing vote counties in the country to step down or it will campaign against them.

Kirinyaga women representatives Purity Ngirichi recently denied that she has stepped down from gubernatorial seat.

It was rumored that Ngirichi would vie for governor seat on Jubilee ticket after she was spotted at Sagana state lounge with president Uhuru Kenyatta and interior principal secretary Karanja Kibicho.

Former Cabinet Secretary Sicily Kariuki two days ago told the media that she won’t contest for governor seat after she lost to incumbent Francis Kimemia.

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Ms Kariuki said that she has been convinced not to vie as independent candidate as it won’t anger well with top party leadership.

“I was requested to step down in favor of Kimemia and I did absolutely and I won’t vie as an independent candidate as it will spoil for the Jubilee party, “she said.

North Imenti MP Rahim Dawood recently resigned from Jubilee party declared he will defend his seat as an independent candidate.

Dawood told the media that the Jubilee effort to reach out to him failed as his supporters requested him not to join any political affiliations.

While speaking in Western on Thursday, ANC Party leader Musalia Mudavadi raised suspicion over the large number of independent candidates saying it could be a plan by the Azimio la Umoja Coalition to rig the August elections.

Musalia Mudavadi said the long list of independent candidates was deliberate from the Government favored Coalition and it should be treated as unusual and suspicious.

He said that some of the projects especially in Kenya Kwanza strongholds are aimed to spoil Ruto’s votes.

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