March 4, 2025


Timely – Precise – Factual

Senator Mwaura mourns Victor Prengei,reveal he was to vie for an MP seat 2022


Words cannot express my pain on the loss of a dear colleague and friend Sen Victor Prengei.

Only last Thursday did we have a good laugh and chat together with Lamu Sen Anwar Loitiptip and your bossom ally Kajiado’s Sen Philip Mpayei. It’s unbelievable that in less than a week, you are no more!!

Fare thee well brother. I still remember how we first met at a Nakuru hotel Sitienei, then as we waited to be gazzeted by IEBC as nominated senators to represent the youth and persons with disabilities, the only two male positions for minority groups in the senate. Oh the tensions therein. We stood together and we made it together.

Later on, we were both expelled by the Jubilee Party as the famous Jubilee Six that included: Millicent Omanga, Hon Mary Seneta, Naomi Waqo and Falhada Iman Dekow. The 5 of you were later on acquitted since they were after me all along, and I told you as much.

We prayed together, reasoned together, stood with each other and shared so much, all in the name of making the voice of the voiceless count at the table of decision-making.

I still remember how you stood with me when I got profiled in New York by Donald Trump’s secret service and how the message went viral in international circles.

Victor, rest well brother. You didn’t say bye, you always loved your Ogiek people and we always debated if you were to run as MP in your constituency. This wasn’t to be brother. We shall miss you deeply.

My most sincere condolences to you wife, children and your Parents. You talked a lot about your father. May they be comforted by the almighty GOD. It’s HIM who gives and it’s HIM who takes. May HIS name be glorified.

Go well bro.