March 7, 2025


Timely – Precise – Factual

This is how I graduated from the university without much struggle


My name is James Mungai, a graduate of Kisii University. I pursued a civil engineering degree course.

While I was in school, I was having trouble keeping my grades up. This is because I did not like studies as much.My course also is a no nonsense one especially when it comes to exams.

I used to miss classes mostly. In my fourth which is the last year of the course, I decided I had to change but wondered how to. I was to be given a refer hence meaning i could not graduate and I would be forced to repeat one more year. I could not believe this was to happen.

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I was scrolling through social media one evening when I came across a blog post about Dr Kiwanga, a traditional healer and medicineman who had helped many in life. I felt that my case was no exception.

Read also:

I gave him a call and without even physically meeting up with him, things changed abruptly and as I wished. We did one exams and my grades improved and uplifted the previous results. More so, I also got to graduate and now am at an attachment. Thanks to Dr Kiwanga, all this is courtesy of him.

For consultations call +254 769404965

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or visit the website

Kiwanga doctors are really experienced and dependable herbalists who ensure that our lives are not inhibited by various life challenges like depression, marriage wrangles among others.

They also treat various diseases such as syphilis, high blood pressure among other just in a span of three days.

Don’t let certain life challenges be a barricade to your success or even any disease that may have given you sleepless nights for Kiwanga doctors are really the real deal in town.

For consultations call +254 769404965 / E-mail or visit the website