March 9, 2025


Timely – Precise – Factual

This is what you need to have your vehicle listed with 2NK Sacco


2NK is one the leading transport Saccos in Kenya. It was formed in 1994 by matatu owners hailing from Nyeri and Karatina. 2NK-the 2 Ns stand for Nyeri and Nairobi while the K is for Karatina-has grown over the years to offer parcel services and owns the Mugumo petrol station in Nyeri. At the helm of this success story is Anne Nyawira. 

CEO Anne Nyawira

Anne Nyawira is the CEO of 2NK, one of the largest matatu Sacco in the country.

The Sacco has grown from the original 30 members to over 800 registered members with an asset base of kes240 million as of 2018. She has spearheaded several initiatives under the Sacco, which currently has annual turnover of over Kes200 million annually.

2NK SACCO CEO Anne Nyawira Image/Courtesy

Anne oversees the more than 800 vehicles registered under the Sacco, ensuring that they meet the customers’ demands and National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) road regulations. 

Joining the Sacco

Before being registered, one must have a new matatu and the latest registration number or immediate previous number. The vehicle’s documents and the owner’s personal details are submitted to their offices.  Members can own up to seven matatus. 

Speaking to Ushirika with Alex Chamwada, the CEO pointed out that their membership are classified into two: Class A and Class B.

They are two types of membership-Class A and Class B Image/Courtesy

A class A member must have a new matatu with the latest registration. “We have two types of membership. We have the class A where the first requirement is that you already have a new matatu, that is a Toyota Hiace model”, the CEO explained. She went on to say that the car must have, “the latest registration depending on the timing or the immediate previous number”. Once you have fulfilled these requirements, a formal application is made to the Sacco and “if you are considered positively, you pay an entrance fee and you join as a Class A member” Nyawira offered.

Class B members are those people who do not own matatus but want to join the Sacco to access save and access loans.


Apart from just transporting passengers and offering parcel services, 2NK offers insurance services and has a Sacco where members save and access loans. They allow community members to save through their front office service which has positively impacted the lives of many. To open a savings account with them, one needs:

Shame as 2NK Sacco fires a driver who reported rogue students who were  smoking bhang and drinking alcohol inside the matatu to the police. | DAILY  POST
  • A completed account opening form
  • Original and copy of National identification card. 

Under her leadership, the Sacco has also bought several cars of its own and built petrol stations across Nyeri, Nairobi and Katarina. 


Formed in 1994 by Matatu owners who envisioned transforming the transport sector, 2NK offers trips to Nairobi from major towns like, Nyeri, Katarina, Thika, Nanyuki, Nakuru and Eldoret. The Sacco endeavors to ensure that all vehicles are in good condition. Drivers are also trained from time to time to ensure they are at par with the changing technology and they also carry all the required documents at all times. The vehicles are mandated to go at a maximum speed of 80 kilometers per hour minimizing rates of road accidents. Their drivers are also trained in customer relations and all vehicles are equipped with tracking devices. 

Giving Back to Community

With so much success, the Sacco leadership has often come up with initiatives to give back to the community. Previously, The CEO said that  they had partnered with the Nyeri hospice and TumuTumu School for the deaf along with other schools and homes that cater for people with special needs as a way of giving back to the community.