We are aware of night meetings being held in a hotel near Kagio by Jubilee and government operatives. They are targeting UDA friends and independent candidates to vie under Jubilee. They are being given cash, promised Jubilee Party campaign materials and weekly funding, “Governor Kahiga said.
United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party members have accused the Jubilee party of poaching their aspirants ahead of the March 26 deadline as set by the registrar of political parties.
Several politicians have switched parties; some are expected to do within the week while others are eyeing to vie as independent candidates.
The ruling Jubilee has been hunting down for influential leaders in a bid to woo them to their camp.
Nyeri governor Mutahi Kahiga on Tuesday during an interview said that the Jubilee party has been wooing their potential aspirants with counteroffers.

Governor Kahiga said that in Nyeri County, accused the top government officials who have been intimidating their candidates.
“We are aware of night meetings being held in a hotel near Kagio by Jubilee and government operatives. They are targeting UDA friends and independent candidates to vie under Jubilee. They are being given cash, promised Jubilee Party campaign materials and weekly funding, “Governor Kahiga said.
He said that though the Jubilee hasn’t reached out to him to vie on the party ticket he is aware of several aspirants who have been approached.
He said that the UDA party wills safeguard their strongholds and their support for the deputy president is paramount.
Nyandarua women representative Faith Gitau said that the Jubilee party has been holding night meetings and reaching out to its former members.

She said that the Jubilee party fears that the UDA party might scoop more seats in the Mount Kenya region.
“I know so many aspirants who were promised campaign support and cash by the Jubilee party and to date, they haven’t received, and that is why they are rejoining our party, “she said.
Ms. Gitau claimed that the Jubilee has no political influence in the Mount Kenya region and it will only attract sympathy votes.
Nyandarua Governor Francis Kimemia had earlier told the Star that the Jubilee party has put its house in order and is ready to face off with the UDA party in Mount Kenya.
Mr Kimemia had said that most of the aspirants have reached out to the party ahead of August.
This was also affirmed by Jubilee nominated senator Isaac Ngugi who recently said that the party has taken over its position across the Country.

Ngugi had accused the UDA party of dwelling and thriving with propaganda aimed to whip public sympathy.
About two days ago, former Kirinyaga County Senator Daniel Karaba ditched The Service Party, TSP under the leadership of Mwangi Kiunjuri for the ruling Jubilee party.
Karaba had defected from UDA before joining the TSP party and now the Jubilee party whose party leader is Uhuru Kenyatta.
Addressing the media, Karaba said he made his own decision and no one influenced him to join the party.
“I saw a section of my former party leaders at the UDA’s NDC in Nairobi, an event where the president was abused and that is the main reason I have left TSP,” Karaba said.
PS Kibicho has severally disputed the claims that he has been intimidating local leaders in a bid to ‘force’ them out of other parties.
He also said that the Kenya Kwanza brigade has been hit hard by the current wave of defections thus resulting in giving flimsy excuses and accusing government officials of intimidation.
“As government officers, we won’t be gagged via such claims and we are going to provide civic education to our people ahead of the August 9 polls,” he said.
Mount Kenya MCAs caucus chairman Charles Mwangi Nga’ng’a has said that those joining the Jubilee party are doing it freely.

He said that UDA members had claimed that the Jubilee party is dead and now are wondering after its revival.
He said that President Uhuru Kenyatta is set to tour the Mount Kenya region and drum support for the party.
“We are used to the UDA side of propaganda and no one is pushing anyone to join and those joining Jubilee are mature enough to make their decision, “he said.
He further cited a group of Murang’a County leaders led by Jamleck Kamau, Sabina Chege, and Muturi Kigano among others who voluntarily joined the party.
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