March 10, 2025


Timely – Precise – Factual

“Washikwe Wote” DP Ruto Breaks Silence To KEMSA Thieves


The second in command deputy president William Ruto has broken his silence following the scandal which has been going on KEMSA in our country.

Billions of money were reported to have lost in KEMSA scandals which even forced some of the hospitals in our country to lack some of the necessary facilities and equipment to cater treatment of patients.

As a result, the second in command deputy president William has asked the government to ensure that all KEMSA thieves get arrested the same way they did when arresting bodaboda suspects assaults. Several leaders have been linked to KEMSA scandals and even the government is aware of it but no actions are taken into action.

The statement has also brought a sort of confusion to Kenyans since they normally announce that there is a scandal somewhere but the people involved are left to continue doing the same. This has actually made Kenyans to suffer a lot when paying for tax but no good services is delivered to them.

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